SilverRail is now an accredited flexible employer
Written by Victoria Bacon
We are excited to announce we have been officially accredited as a truly flexible place to work.
We strongly believe in empowering our team to work in a way that allows them to do what they do best in the environment that drives them to success! Whether that be a hybrid WFH/WFO model, or even working from anywhere for a period of time.
With our human first approach, life comes first, and we see flexibility as not a “one size fits all model” but a need for “flexibility” around our flexibility.
Here’s what our employees have to say:
“I have no wish list, I feel empowered by SilverRail to manage my time around work and family. If I wasn’t working for SilverRail today, I have to say that I believe I would have struggled for the same support based on some previous employee experiences.”
Thank you Flexa for recognising us with this great achievement.