Knowledge Hub / Embracing Health and Sustainability: SilverRail’s Step Challenge and No Meat May 2024

Embracing Health and Sustainability: SilverRail’s Step Challenge and No Meat May 2024

The author: Isabella Hales


Written by Isabella Hales

At SilverRail, we believe in fostering a healthy lifestyle by encouraging our employees to engage in regular physical activity, make mindful dietary choices, and adopt wellness practices that enhance their overall well-being. At the same time, we are deeply committed to contributing positively to our planet by implementing sustainable practices, reducing our environmental footprint, and supporting initiatives that promote a healthier, greener world.

This May, we combined these values in our annual fitness/step challenge, encouraging our employees to run, dance, skip, swim, weight train or take up any other form of exercise they wished. To add an extra layer of excitement, participants were able to earn bonus points for each day they went meat-free in May. While participation in No Meat May was not mandatory for the challenge, it was highly encouraged as a way to score additional points and contribute to our environmental goals.

The Results

We’re thrilled to announce that the Swedish team clinched the victory in this year's step challenge with an astounding average of 381,090 steps per team member! This achievement is a testament to their dedication and enthusiasm. Huge congratulations to the Swedish team for setting such a high bar for next year's challenge.

Here's a breakdown of the final standings:

  • 1st Place: Swedish team with 381,090 steps
  • 2nd Place: Remote team with 366,342 steps
  • 3rd Place: Australian team with 352,203 steps
  • 4th Place: UK team with 331,472 steps

Collectively, our teams completed an impressive total of 11,638,665 steps. This remarkable feat highlights SilverRail’s commitment to health and teamwork.

Supporting a Worthy Cause: Ung Cancer

The winning team was able to nominate a charity, the Swedish team chose Ung Cancer as their charity for this year’s donations and fundraising efforts. Ung Cancer provides vital support to young individuals affected by cancer.

A Collective Effort for Health and Sustainability

The collective effort of our team members resulted in not only a staggering number of steps but also a total of 180 meat-free days. We are incredibly proud of everyone's participation and enthusiasm. We’re looking forward to bringing back our annual challenge in 2025!
